DIY Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kits

Chickens may provide you with a delicious breakfast of eggs, but they may become breakfast themselves without proper protection from predators. Our DIY Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kits will ensure that your favorite hen is safe through the night from predators like coyotes and raccoons.

The DIY COop Door Kits Explained

chicken door operating modes

Includes Timer and Solar Options

The DIY chicken coop door kit has a built-in timer to open and close the doors at your convenience. Plus, you can add a solar option if your coop gets plenty of sunshine.

easy installation chicken door

Linear Up and DOwn Coop Door Opener

Slides up and down: Our automatic coop doors slide linearly up and down so your hens have easy access in and out of the coop. You pair it with your own door.

predator proof chicken door

Protect Your Birds from Harm

This DIY Coop Door Kit will protect your birds from predators and the door features a built-in feature that ensures that your birds will not be harmed when the door closes

chicken door power options

Versatile in Size and Power Options

The door can be powered with electricity or a 12-volt battery (not included). Plus, the different lengths of the strokes on the DIY kit actuator offer flexibility for the size of the coop door.

Coop Door Kit Options

Add a solar kit that includes a solar panel and battery solar box so your DIY automatic coop door kit can be powered by the sun. The coop must be in a sunny location to be powered by the sun. Other options for our chicken coop door actuators are listed below.

Why choose a DIY Coop Door Kit?

Fun Family Project

Our Do-it-Yourself chicken coop door kit is an excellent choice to purchase if you want to build a chicken coop or coop door as a little project for the family or for innovative individuals who like to do hands-on work.

Add to Existing Door

Our automatic coop actuator kit is a good option when you have a door and don’t want to spend extra money on the auto coop door. It comes with easy-to-understand instructions for quick installation. 

Good for Many Birds

The actuator comes with three stroke lengths so you can choose the right size for your coop and your birds. If you have smaller hens, ducks, or other birds, this DIY Coop Door Kit can work for your coop.

Questions about the DIY Coop Door Kits

Does this Coop Door Opener include a Timer?

Yes, it does! Here is a video showing how the timer is set on our automatic door kits.

How is the DIY Coop Door Kit Powered?

The standard power option is electric. Included in the kit is an electric power cord. You can also upgrade to solar or battery power. Please be advised that using a battery will require a charging source. We recommend that if you are using the battery option, you have several batteries to ensure you always have a charged battery.

Can I use this Automatic diy kit on a duck or turkey coop?

Yes! Our automatic coop door DIY kits work well with duck coops as well as turkey coops. For these larger birds, we suggest the 16" actuator.

Can I Assemble the Coop door KIT horizontally?

Yes, though most times the door is assembled to open vertically, it is very possible to assemble it horizontally so it opens side to side instead of up and down.

Can I add Solar Power to this DIY Coop Door Kit?

Yes! Our solar attachment will power your coop. However, you must be sure your chicken coop is the sun for most of the day and also always be aware of the battery levels to ensure your birds stay safe.

How does the DIY Coop Opener attach to the door?

automatic chicken coop door kit diy

The actuator attaches to your DIY Coop Door with a single screw. You will also need to attach the door opener at the top of your coop. Be sure there is enough overhead space for your door opener to attach to. Note the measurements on each unit, and be sure you have the overhead space you need to install the unit.

What size Coop Door Opener do I need?

There are two things to consider when choosing an actuator size.

  • We offer our coop door actuator in three sizes: 10-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch door.
  • The size of the door, and hence, the door actuator, will vary depending on the size of your chickens. 

Here are a few examples of chicken breeds and the size of the coop door opener you will need for your chicken coop.

  • Large chicken breeds: 7-13 pounds
    • Sussex, Plymouth Rock, Brahma
    • Suggested door height: 12-14 inches
    • This would pair best with the 16-inch coop door opener
  • Standard chicken breeds: 5-7 pounds 
    • Wyandotte, Australorp, Rhode Island Red
    • Suggested door height: 10-12 inches
    • This would pair best with the 12-inch coop door opener
  • Small chicken breeds: 2.9-3.3 pounds
    • Dutch Bantam, Old English Game, Silkie
    • Suggested door height: 9-10 inches
    • This would pair best with the 10-inch coop door opener

Looking for a FUlly Automatic Chicken Coop Door?

At Smart Pet Auto Door, we provide both DIY automatic door kits that include an actuator for your own door. We also offer fully operational chicken coop doors that are ready to install into your chicken coop. Along with the automatic coop doors, we offer options that make your life with chickens easier. Here are our two most popular chicken coop doors.

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Learn how to Predator Proof your Coop and Keep your flock safe with an automatic chicken door